The Natural World Around You

Nature is a source of abundance, rich in biodiversity and the best playground around. There is a lot more happening in Whistler’s seemingly still forest and along the quiet shoreline than meets the eye. Keep these fun nature facts in mind next time you adventure and explore in the natural outdoors:

• Fungal species impressively outnumber plants in the temperate rain forest by ten to one! These species are often hard to see with the majority of their physical structure living underground, but are imperative to the forests survival. Remove them and the forest would not live on.

• Two mature trees can provide enough oxygen for a family of four.

• Lichen are formed based on a unique symbiotic relationship between fungus and algae. These species can only survive when clean air and water are present, and are therefore symbolic of a pollution-free and healthy environment.

• Whistler’s forest is primarily coniferous, meaning the trees have cones. The Douglas-fir known for its fire-resistant bark and the Western Hemlock with its droopy top are some easy to identify local favourites.

• The oldest tree found in Whistler is over 1200 years old.

• Whistler’s many Wetlands are not only beautiful to look at and paddle through, but they also help clean water, prevent flooding, control erosion and are home to a plethora of local species.

These are only a few of the wonders Whistler’s wild backyard holds.

To learn more join expert Naturalists and First Nations Ambassadors on Saturday, May 19th at the GO Green Nature Scavenger Hunt at Florence Petersen Park between 1-4 p.m. A weather proof BINGO sheet will guide you around the park at your own pace and into conversations with our talented adventure leaders. From the cultural significance of the cedar tree to learning about umbrella species like grizzly bears, there will be something for everyone to learn as we explore the outdoors.